Hello Everyone

My name is Sitansu kumar sahoo. I am a 28yr old game designer, based in Bhubaneswar, India. I have worked for more than 5 years in the gaming industry starting from the very bottom as a game tester to the exciting position as a game designer.

In the whole world, the idea of creating things always fascinated me, maybe that’s why I end up being an engineer in the first place. Soon enough, I found myself engulfed in the idea of creating a world, a world with new opportunities and I found that while creating games.

In my point of view, it’s really the best way to show the world possibilities, hope, opportunities, and ideas of a dreamer without being held back by the boundaries of reality where they can draw out the full potential of their dream where it no longer stays a dream where ideas become real where it can give inspiration to the future world.

I’m enjoying this whole process of creation trying my level best to create awesome games. So any suggestions and comments are welcome.


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